Find Your Tribe

Since becoming a hair stylist over seventeen years ago, I have looked to many different people to learn from, sort of follow their lead. While I have found tons of inspiration and commiseration through my career, it wasn't until I became a member of the NBR/BMS Mastermind that I really found my tribe.

Please don't misunderstand, most of my closest friends are the hair stylists I have "grown up" with. We all share special bonds, but all have slightly different focuses within our industry. Most of us don't work together daily like we used to, having gone our separate directions over the last few years. But I love them, and I know we all have each others' backs, no matter what.

I can't say if  any of my friends know exactly what I'm trying to accomplish with my business right now. Not that they wouldn't get it, just that it's quite different than the way any salons in my area have ever done things. Now, for sure, most of my younger stylist friends are crushing it on social media--they cut their baby teeth on it--and I have never hesitated to ask these lovelies for help when it comes to Stories, hashtags, insights, etc. But nobody is doing it like NBR and BMS.

Enter my TRIBE. I am forever grateful for being thrown in head over teacups into this amazing group of stylists who want to do things differently. I know no matter what subject is brought up in our webinars or chat groups, that someone has had a similar experience and a little guidance for the rest of us. And the cool thing is that we're all still learning! To put it simply, I have grown into a completely different artist than I started out as when I began this journey ten months ago, thanks to having a group of like-minded artists/businesswomen by my (virtual) side.

And I couldn't be more stoked.

**If you want to see what the hot fuss is all about, click this link to fill out my NBR application, and we will have an amazing, no obligation consultation. Your hair will thank you for finding someone who has a TRIBE behind her.


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