High, High Bun with NBR

Yes, Virginia, there is an extension method you can wear up in a high bun!
Hello, Beauties!

One of the biggest questions I get asked about  Natural Beaded Rows Extensions is, "Can I wear my hair up, like a high bun?"

Yes. Yes, you can wear your NBR up in pretty much any style you could possibly imagine. This is a photo I took when Karen came in for one of her move-up appointments a few months ago. She walked in, and I said, "Oh my gosh, I have to take your picture just like this! It's amazing!!"

How is it possible? Natural Beaded Rows (TM) uses a specific methodology to ensure there are minimal points of contact with your natural hair, which creates little to no risk for damage, as well as super-flexible styling options. The precise placement of your rows and seamless blending allows for unprecedented invisibility, whether the wind blows, or you're wearing your hair up!

If you've struggled with other methods of extensions, and you're ready for an option that gives you this much confidence, click this link to apply for your free NBR consultation today!


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